Environmental compromise

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Dear customers,
Vivers Sala Graupera, with more than 50 years of experience in the sector of the viverisme, specialises since does more than 20, in plants for the sustainable gardening, entering genders and species of other Mediterranean zones, with colours and flowerings delivered during the four stations of the year and with a new and wide variety that allow to choose the most suitable for each particular case.

We expect that this new web was a tool more than us approach to a sustainable gardening more Mediterranean, more respectful with the surroundings and the environment, in addition to supposing a minimisation of the economic expense of the water, nutrients, phytosanitary products and labour.

The sustainability
The sustainable gardening is a gardening adapted to the Natural environment, that try to rationalize and minimise the use of external resources (as well as the water, the fertilizers, and the phytosanitary products). But to attain these aims, no only are important the vegetal species, if no that there is one followed of aspects that me to take into account:

Soil study: It is important to know the characteristic of the land where we will grow, and if necessary we will modify them, to favour the correct development of the plants.
Design and planning of the garden: Study the zone where will be the garden and the use that will do of this, as well as the aims that want to that it fulfil.
System of rec suitable: Adapt the rec to the needs of the plants and to the characteristic of the terrain, to take advantage of the water the possible maximum.
Selection of the plants: To choose species that adapt to the weather of the zone and that for his nature need little attention and water.

The result is a garden that keeps in optimum conditions all the year round, with few attentions and a consumption of low water.

This concept also have moved to our installations including in the process productive measures to preserve the environment and the natural surroundings of the     
nursery garden:

· 2008 – Canalisation, collection and treatment of the excess waters of watering and of rain
· 2014 – Registration to the system of certification of medium ambient MPS
· 2016 – Installation of photovoltaic cells ffor the use of solar energy in the production process.

The phytosanitary control of the nursery garden
The pests and illnesses are difficult to control, since they become resistant to the pesticides, the numeral of natural enemies decreasesfor the use of these pesticides and as a consequence have a loss of the natural habitat.

Leave out of the sensitive plants to suffer illnesses and Producing only those that are resistant, reduce the application of pesticides. This reduction promotes that the useful predators feed of the pests.

The auxiliary fauna has his space for nest and find aliment in our nursery garden, can find different species of birds, of insects and of other animals.
The pests, that yet they present, are treated very selectively, reducing the use of pesticides. Likewise, with the use of fertilizers of controlled release marinade, reduce the loss of nutrients for lixiviation, diminishing the pollution associated.